Wow, it's been a long time since I've blogged. I guess I haven't really had anything exciting or new to talk about; until now.
Three days ago I found out I was pregnant.
4 home testss and 1 doctor's test proved it.
I'm only eighteen.
With a week and half of high school to complete.
I don't really know how to feel about it.
Anxious, maybe?
Ever since my dad passed away at the age of five, all I've wanted is to be a mommy. I'm excited! But I don't want to get my hopes up just for the fact that having a miscarriage is extremely common now a days. And it's not like I knew I was going to get pregnant so I smoked, drank and definitely didn't take prenantal vitamins.
According to math on several different sites and Iphone apps, I'm addicted to infrormation about pregnancy, I'm around four weeks pregnant. Levi and I have been together for a year. We talked about our parents and it wasn't exactly in our future to be able to concieve. We're shocked. I keep saying "if" when obviously I am. I think I say that so I don't get excited about it because I don't want to be heartbroken.
I am more nervous than anything.
Nervous of telling our parents because I know his mom is going to flip the house upside down! All she's ever told us is "Don't get pregnant for five more years", "You need to find a new form of birth control so you don't get pregnant." Literally, we had this conversation last weekend when I was pregnant. My grandparents are crazy and my grandpa doesn't even think I'm responsible enough to have my own vehicle so you could imagine what will happen when they find out I'm carrying a child.
Nervous because I no longer have health insurance after I graduate so I don't know how we're going to pay for all the doctor pills that will pile up over the next nine months. I need to apply for Medicare but in order to do so, I need help from my grandparents which involves the process of telling them.
I downloaded millions of apps so I know what to do health wise, when to start planning prenatal appointments, what vitamins to take and when, symptoms, ext. One of them is to keep a journal of my experience.
So I'm rejoining the blogging community and will be throughout my pregnancy.
I will try to make it exciting and unlike everyone else's stories.
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